In another installment of the series Narrative Evolution, Emmett Furey explores narrative correlationism, the value of storytelling, and the cognitive processes behind how we experience and share narratives.
Self-administered narrative medicine produces a valuable currency of peace and clarity. Listen to Andre Lijoi, MD, read "For One Who Is Exhausted, a Blessing" by John O’Donohue, and read his essay.
Launer has authored over ten books, many award winning, including the seminal “Narrative-Based Practice in Health and Social Care: Conversations Inviting Change” (Routledge 2018) and “How Not To Be A Doctor: And Other Essays” (Duckworth 2018).
Narrative Mindworks joins in celebrating the work of nurses everywhere.
For many people and in many parts of the world it is spring. As the earth around us bursts into bloom and color, we thought of another type of rebirth, Dr. Oliver Sacks's "Awakenings."