The Narrative Mindworks Mission
At Narrative Mindworks, we invite you to join in the mission to to create and support the world’s leading hub for the narrative practices industry. Mindworks is your homebase and community to connect, commune and find opportunity.
Your pioneering membership is vital. We’re building this together, and we need each other to help ensure our mutual success. Narrative Mindworks is our field’s most encompassing effort to advance and expand the field of narrative practices.
We want to help you continue to succeed, and aid you to help those who need it most. Whether it’s capacity building or competency expanding, Narrative Mindworks wants to empower the growth and success of your narrative-informed work.

Whatever your role or depth of experience: academic, researcher, entrepreneur, member of a collaborative, consultant, teacher, trainer, writer, artist, therapist, etc., Narrative Mindworks is the space and place where new and established narrative thought leaders can collaborate, discover, discuss and boost your work within academic, research, corporate, non-profit, healthcare, humanities, social justice, and emerging narrative spaces.
Bring your passion, your expertise, your questions!
Whether narrative is a primary part of your practice or an auxilliary skill, we’re here to help you continue to grow and excel.