Journal Links

As the field of narrative practices grows, so does the portfolio of narrative-related journals and publications. We rely on members to help keep our library of links current. Did we miss something? Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Ars Medica  Canadian biannual literary journal

  • Mission: Ars Medica provides an online venue for dialogue, meaning-making, and the representation of experiences of the body, health, wellness, and encounters within the medical system. Content includes narratives from patients and health care workers, including fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and visual art. We also include sections on writing by and about children, international health, and other voices routinely silenced in the healthcare system.


Be Still – A Journal of Medical Humanities

  • Mission: “The arts have always served humanity as a potent vehicle to nourish, uplift because they are an affirmation of life, imagination and creativity. In keeping with College of Osteopathic Medicine Dean Elaine Wallace’s vision for “wellness” across the NSU community, welcome to the medical humanities journal be Still. Each issue will explore a dedicated theme that embraces the concept of the arts as medicine-to heal, soothe and inspire our souls.”


Bellevue Literary Review

  • Mission: Literary journal dealing with illness and health. BLR seeks high-caliber, unpublished work, broadly and creatively related to our themes of health, healing, illness, the mind, and the body.


Blood and Thunder: Musings on the Art of Medicine - University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. 

  • Mission: We are always looking for creative and capable writers to share their work with our readers.


Configurations - Journal of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts; Johns Hopkins University Press 

  • Mission: Configurations explores the relations of literature and the arts to the sciences and technology.


Ether Arts - Ohio State College of Medicine

  • Mission: This is a magazine written and published by medical students and other health care professionals at OSU.  It is meant to showcase who we are beyond medicine, so we accept unpublished work from all disciplines including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drawings, photography, and painting.  Also, we accept work both with and without medical themes.


The Examined Life Journal - University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine

  • Mission:  We seek work related to health and the human condition in all its myriad definitions. 


HEAL (Humanism Evolving through Arts and Literature) - Florida State University College of Medicine

  • Mission: Bringing together writing and art from a variety of sources, HEAL is a platform where medical students share their growth and development, where faculty and staff impart their knowledge gained from experience, and where members of the community express how health and healing have impacted their lives.


Health Humanities Journal – UNC-Chapel Hill

  • Mission:  an interdisciplinary journal that works to inspire and facilitate interdisciplinary thinking and collaborative work related to health, illness, caregiving and medicine. This publication allows for dialogue, meaning-making, and multiple representations of the body, mind, health/illness, and experiences dealing with the medical system.


The Healing Muse - Center for Bioethics and Humanities at SUNY Upstate

  • Mission: the annual journal of literary and visual art published by the Center for Bioethics and Humanities. We welcome fiction, poetry, narratives, memoirs, drawings, photography, and graphic art, particularly but not exclusively focusing on themes of medicine and healing.


Hektoen International - Hektoen Institute of Medicine

  • Mission:  We think of our journal as a museum and its articles as its precious collection, to be exhibited again and again, like a Correggio or Titian, not archived and forgotten.


Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine

  • Mission: Dedicated to promoting the theory and practice of narrative medicine


Journal of Art and Aesthetics in Nursing and Health Sciences

  • Mission:  Journal seeking to publish materials that reveal the extraordinary caring relationships occurring among persons in health & illness


Journal of Narrative Visions

  • Mission:  Journal bringing narrative focus to the fields of ophthalmology and optometry


Literature and Medicine - Johns Hopkins University Press

  • Mission:  A peer-reviewed journal publishing scholarship that explores representational and cultural practices concerning health care and the body. Areas of interest include disease, illness, health, and disability; violence, trauma, and power relations; and the cultures of biomedical science and technology and of the clinic, as these are represented and interpreted in verbal, visual, and material texts.


Medpage Today

  • Mission: To report on what people in healthcare are thinking, saying, and doing, for the benefit of others who want to know


The Medical Student Press Journal

  • Mission: Journal that aims to support the dialogue and expression of medical students worldwide


Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics

  • Mission: This journal focuses on the intersection of narrative, ethics, and healthcare. It explores the ethical dimensions of healthcare through the use of stories and narratives.


Journal of Medical Humanities

  • Mission:  A peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that publishes innovative research, creative scholarship, poetry, essays, reviews, and short reports in the health humanities.


Journal of Patient Experience

  • Mission: This journal emphasizes the patient's perspective and experience in healthcare, including the use of narrative to understand and improve patient care.


The Perch - Yale School of Medicine's Program for Recovery and Community Health

  • Mission:  A creative arts journal with a mental health theme


The Permanente Journal

  • Mission:  Journal of medical science, social science in medicine, and medical humanities


Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine

  • Mission:  Sharing personal experiences of giving and receiving health care


Survive & Thrive: A Journal of Medical Humanities and Narrative as Medicine - St. Cloud State University Digital Archives

  • Mission: Dedicated to improving the odds of survival and living well through education. We are committed to engendering and facilitating restorative therapies for the sick and injured, their caretakers, families, and medical professionals. 


Wild Onions - Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine

  • Mission:  A journal of poetry, prose, photography, and visual art created by members of the entire Hershey Medical Center community.
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