Self-administered narrative medicine produces a valuable currency of peace and clarity. Listen to Andre Lijoi, MD, read "For One Who Is Exhausted, a Blessing" by John O’Donohue, and read his essay.
Narrative Mindworks joins in celebrating the work of nurses everywhere.
“Narrative medicine is like water, it can seep into the cracks and heal and nurture,” -Laurie Kovens
Listen to the conversation with Narrative Mindworks member Temple West on her research into the parallel between how standardized patients and actual patients are treated, and her thoughts on the development of empathy in medical students.
Narrative Mindworks member Elizabeth Tracey, MS, and her colleagues at Johns Hopkins are doing groundbreaking work.
For many people and in many parts of the world it is spring. As the earth around us bursts into bloom and color, we thought of another type of rebirth, Dr. Oliver Sacks's "Awakenings."